About Wepuko PAHNKE USA

Global Legacy of Innovation & Excellence

Delivering Cutting-Edge Solutions, Combining Engineering Expertise and A Commitment To Driving Industries Forward.

From our roots in precision engineering to our global reach today, Wepuko PAHNKE stands as a trusted partner for industries worldwide. Discover our story, our mission, and the values that drive us to create lasting impact.

photo Fritz Thumm, the visionary founder of Wepuko (1932)

Fritz Thumm, the visionary founder of Wepuko (1932)

John Blust | President

Tel (937) 390-2100

E-mail jblust@wepuko.com

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Megan Braisted | Project Engineer

Tel (937) 390-2100x127

E-mail mbraisted@wepuko.com

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Marty Long | Operations & Service Manager

Tel (937) 390-2100x124

E-mail mlong@wepuko.com

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Rebeckah Crosbie | Inside Sales Procurement Specialist

Tel (937) 390-2100x126

E-mail rcrosbie@wepuko.com

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Half A Century In North America

Wepuko PAHNKE is a trusted leader in delivering innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of customers. Our focus remains on sustainable technologies, prioritizing energy savings, efficiency, and environmental protection.


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Hans-Joachim Pahnke establishes Pressure Systems Inc. (PSI) in Springfield, Ohio, with Guido (Guy) Maddalena as the first president of the company.


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PSI rebuilds the hydraulic drive system, upgrades the controls and supplies a second manipulator for the SACK 2,000 ton press installed at Wyman Gordon in 1969.


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PSI supplies the hydraulic drive system for the PAHNKE/MESTA 33,000 ton closed-die forging press (pictured above) for Weber Metals in Los Angeles. In order to forge components as close as possible to the final dimensions, a hydraulic balancing system developed by Michael Pahnke is used: The operation is performed by eight cylinders with 1,900 tons of force each. All 8 of these cylinders are coupled hydraulically to achieve the precise balancing required.


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Following the success of the 33,000 ton press, Weber Metals places more orders with PSI/PAHNKE: first for a 12,000 ton closed-die forging press, and in the subsequent years until 2007 for new electronic controls for all seven existing forging presses.


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PAHNKE Engineering Co (PEC) was founded in Springfield, Ohio to expand the North American market for PAHNKE presses. The first management team consisted of Michael Pahnke, Walter Westermeyer, Bill Skelley and Christa Stränger.


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PEC acquired the files & drawings of Pressure Systems Industries (PSI), when it’s business closed, to continue servicing the numerous presses and systems installed by PSI since 1974.


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Wepuko Hydraulics USA was formed to meet the increasing demand for high-pressure process pumps for manufacturers of presses, rolling mills and many other applications.


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PEC provides a new PMSD hydraulic drive for TIMET Toronto's new 4,000 Ton open die press.


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PEC is awarded contract from Mattco Forge to relocate and refurbish a 300 Ton Fast Forging Press (FFP). This is one of the fastest presses of it's type, operating at over 200 planishing strokes per minute.


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PEC is awarded a contract from Frankwen Forge in South Africa, to refurbish a 1,000 Ton open die press by providing a new hydraulic drive combined with a new electronic control system.


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Wepuko Hydraulics USA merged with PAHNKE to become Wepuko PAHNKE Engineering LP. This merger enabled WPE to offer customers turn-key press systems, including the design of presses, drives, controls, manipulators, commissioning & long term service.


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WPE is awarded a contract from Standard Steel to design and manufacture a new hydraulic accumulator drive for a 10,000 ton closed die press.


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Worldwide demand for new open-die forging presses shows an increase. Three contracts are received this year to design & build: a 3,300 ton press for Weber Metals, a 6,000 ton press for Union Electric in Pittsburgh and a 5,400 ton press for Villares Metals in São Paulo.


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Lisa Fitzharris becomes President and co-owner of Wepuko Pahnke Engineering LP.  With more than 20 years of industry experience, Lisa provides the required leadership to propel WPE forward. Her emphasis on superior customer service, engineering excellence, and employee growth sets an even stronger foundation on which to build for the future.

WPE expands its capacity by commissioning systems for both Weber Metals and Villares Metals. The scope of work for Villares includes the engineering of a new hydraulic PMSD drive, electronic controls, press and foundation design.  Our scope of supply included the hydraulic equipment and the electronic controls. We also provide Weber Metals with engineering design and supply of a new 3,300 ton open die forging press system.  Our comprehensive scope of work includes the press, hydraulic drive, foundation and electronic controls.


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Collaboration continues with Union Electric as WPE provides a new 6,000 ton forging press system. This scope of work includes the engineering design and supply of the press, hydraulic drive, controls, manipulator, and die change system. Commissioning and training are also provided by WPE, successfully completing this turn-key project!


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Press Forge installs a new 1,300 ton open die forging press.  WPE designs & supplies the patented sinusoidal PMSD hydraulic drive system including the main pumps and manifolds. The design and supply of the electronic controls along with commissioning is also included in our scope of work.


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WPE provides Mattco Forge with the engineering design for a 1,680 ton open die press refurbishment. This scope of work includes the design for the press, foundation, hydraulic system and electronic controls. We also supply the main pumps, manifolds, and electronic controls.


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WPE engineers the refurbishment of an 8,000 ton closed die press for TIMET.  We also supply the hydraulic drive system and commissioning.


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A new 770 ton closed die press with inclined radial dishing is provided to Standard Steel. The scope of work includes the design of the hydraulic system, foundation, and electronic controls. The supply of  the hydraulic drive system, electronic controls and commissioning are also included in our scope of work.


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WPE remains a market leader throughout North America for the design and manufacture of specialized forging systems and presses. We also distribute a wide range of high pressure process pumps for a variety of applications and industries.WPE continues to build upon our experience with an emphasis on service and support for our customers in North America. The historical names of PAHNKE, Wepuko and PSI may have changed, but our commitment to providing outstanding products and services remain intact.

Quality Certificates

At Wepuko PAHNKE, we constantly re-invent our products to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers.

Our presses and pumps fulfill extreme requirements when it comes to load capacity and reliability. As many of our products are custom-made & designed, we emphasize our planning & simulation phase of development. Even small changes have major effects on the occurring forces and material stresses.

Certificates (Wepuko PAHNKE GmbH, Germany)

Quality management
> ISO0> ISO 9001:2008 (english)
> ISO 9001:2008 (deutsch)
> ISO 9001:2008 (chinese)
> ISO 9001:2008 (русский)

Oil & gas
> Achilles (english)

Nuclear technology
> KTA 1401 and AVS D 100 / 50

Russia and CIS

> AEO - Certificate
> AD 2000-Leaflet HP 0 and DIN EN ISO 3834-2

Wepuko is a global leader in advanced engineering, forging, and hydraulic technologies, delivering innovative solutions that power industries, enhance efficiency, and drive a sustainable future.